In-Plant Training is also available. With a minimum of Seven (7) of your Company Personnel, our team of professional HSE Instructor(s) will come to your company / Office location anywhere around the Country to deliver the training.
Fire Fighting & Prevention Course

TRAINING VENUE : No. 14 Woji Road ( by Genesis ) ,
Eugene Plaza , 2nd Floor (Suit 327),
Rumuogba, Port Harcourt,
Rivers State.
COURSE DESCRIPTION : It is estimated that more than 2,500 workplace fires occur every day. And no matter how good your company’s fire extinguishing equipment are, if the workers who will use them are not trained, the extinguishers and equipment will remain useless.
To prevent deaths and human injury, damage to property and consequent losses, it is essential that all company workers be trained in fire fighting and prevention techniques.
- To equip employees with knowledge and skills in fire prevention and control.
- To prevent loss of life and personal injury to employees.
- To protect company property, and Provide uninterrupted operations.
- The Fire triangle & classification of fires.
- The common Causes of Fire.
- The behaviour of fire.
- Fire Prevention strategies.
- What to do if a fire breaks out.
- How to use fire extinguishers.
- Emergency evacuation procedures.
PowerPoint presentation, Practical demonstrations, Film Show,
Training Handout.
COURSE FEE : N75,000
Account Name : Industrial Safety Training Centre Limited
Account Number : 1013476954
Bank : Zenith Bank Plc
DISCOUNT : 5% discount will be given to any organization that nominates 4 or more participants.
On successful completion of the course, each Participant will be issued with the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) Approved Fire Fighting and Prevention Certificate.
TRAINING VENUE : No. 14 Woji Road ( by Genesis ) ,
Eugene Plaza , 2nd Floor (Suit 327),
Rumuogba, Port Harcourt,
Rivers State.
DATE : 3rd February , 2025.
TIME : 9am – 3pm daily.